Ethnic minorities and the UK's COVID-19 response
In its aim of supporting the public with Coronavirus Act 2020, the UK and Scottish governments need to consider all relevant equality impacts. This is especially the case for the intersection of ethnic minority status - which is a protected characteristic under the Equalities Act – with socioeconomic disadvantage and migration status, which are not.
This project is compiling a submission of evidence on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19, and the UK and Scottish government responses, on ethnic minorities in the UK. A working paper sets out why physiological risks associated with the virus cannot be separated from their social exposures, and makes recommendations for immediate and more long-term interventions. A subsequent report summarises the impacts specific to Scotland. Both documents can be downloaded below.
In this project, GHPU faculty are working with colleagues from the School of Social and Political Science at University of Edinburgh, and the School of Global Studies, University of Sussex / Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Working paper (24 April 2020):
Qureshi, Kasstan, Meer & Hill_working paper_COVID19 ethnic minorities_240420
Scotland Report (14 May 2020):
Qureshi, Meer, Kassatan, Hill and Hill_Scotland Report_COVID19 ethnic minorities_140520
Dr Kaveri Qureshi