Consultancy & Networks
The Global Health Policy Unit is international in its outlook and work. Our staff work with colleagues in international and supranational institutions, and have meaningful relationships with networks across the University, Scotland, the UK, and the globe.
Consultancy & Networks
GHPU members have consulted for the World Health Organization (WHO), and have been members of WHO expert groups, for example on monitoring tobacco industry influence on public health policy.
Our work with the World Bank focuses on achieving universal health care.
We work to support the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) through collaboration with WHO and other government, third sector, and research stakeholders.
Centre for Science, Knowledge and Policy (SKAPE)
SKAPE conducts innovative and critical research on the relationship between knowledge and policy. It also provides a platform for teaching and training, and promotes engagement with policy-makers and other policy actors.
Group for Research on Inequalities and Tobacco (GRIT)
GRIT is an interdisciplinary research group, with a mission of promoting research in tobacco control to develop understanding of the determinants of smoking uptake and cessation and, in particular, inequalities in these determinants.
Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN)
The aim of SARN is to promote a strong collaborative research forum for clinicians, academics and researchers with an interest in responding to alcohol related harm in Scotland, enabling researchers to co-ordinate and foster meaningful collaborations locally, nationally and internationally.