
Regulating unhealthy commodity industries, strengthening global health governance


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are largely driven by consumption of unhealthy commodities (tobacco, alcohol and ultra-processed foods), and the companies producing these commodities are often very influential in policy development (reflecting their substantial economic resources). In order to protect and promote population health, decision-makers need practical tools to help them identify and manage potential conflicts between the interests of commercial actors (often presented as potential partners) and health goals. Building on our research, we are collaborating with health-focused organisations in developing practical resources to help health policymakers, advocates and researchers to identify and manage potential conflict of interest in their work.

Project Objectives

This project aims to accelerate and broaden the impact of world leading research conducted in the Global Public Health Unit (GPHU), SPS. It has two broad ambitions:

  1. To extend and enhance the impact of our research on health governance at national and global levels and across policy spheres
  2. To strengthen partnerships with leading health advocacy organisations in order to engage effectively in international debates

Research Partner Organisations

ACT Health Promotion, Brazil: one of Latin America’s leading health NGOs, with whom we are currently collaborating on a research project examining conflict of interest in food systems.

Framework Convention Alliance: collaboration of around 500 organisations from over 100 countries which campaigns for effective tobacco control at national and international levels. Crucially, it co-ordinates contributions from civil society to FCTC negotiations

WHO/Pan American Health Organization


This project is funded by an ESRC Impact Grant.


Professor Jeff Collin -

Dr Sarah Hill -

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