Managing Markets for Health (MM4H) - World Bank Collaboration
In 2015 the Global Health Policy Unit at the University of Edinburgh entered into a partnership with the World Bank to develop a framework –the “Managing Markets for Health (MM4H) framework” – to provide training and technical assistance to countries (and their donor partners) to promote understanding of market systems analysis: how to identify how markets operate, identify effective policies to influence their operation, and how to implement these effectively.
This collaboration was developed in response to the need to support progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with regards to the delivery of health-related products and services in low- and middle-income countries. Currently, these services are delivered by a mix of public and private sector actors, requiring policymakers to engage with all actors within this public/private mix. So, for example, if policymakers wish to:
- tackle the causes of anti-microbial resistance…
- prevent and manage disease outbreaks…
- address increasing burdens of non-communicable diseases…
- meet targets for maternal and child health…and
- achieve universal health coverage…
…then it is essential that the private sector operates in an appropriate incentive and accountability environment, one that can only be put in place by evidence-based policy action.
Recent outputs
Our latest course (see introductory video) was taken forward in collaboration with the World Bank Global Financing Facility designed for policymakers with an interest in engaging the private sector in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH-N) products and services.
As part of this collaboration, in the spring of 2018 we designed and delivered a massive open online course (MOOC) in which the core concepts of MM4H were presented to a group of 500 learners.
We then held a face-to-face workshop in Dakar, Senegal, with a focus on taking knowledge to action, and therefore targeted at a group of country teams from Bangladesh, Cote D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Vietnam, Indonesia, Central African Republic and Senegal.
We will continue to offer the course to countries and their donor partners as the partnership proceeds.
Contact: Dr Mark Hellowell,